venerdì 23 aprile 2010

The shopping center

Hi everyone! I thought it was time to show you the shopping centre building in its entirety. Sorry for the blurry bits, but that's perspex! I thought I'd go for a clear front, so that you can see inside without having to remove any kind of wooden facade. Also, in the second picture you can see the hallway of the second floor. My idea is to put some plants dropping down each columns. I haven't done any kind of flowers/plants before, so it should be interesting :) I've completed the ceiling last week, and now it's mounted in place, so soon you'll see more pics of it!
Hugs, Lucia

7 commenti:

  1. This looks so exciting!!! What a great idea, I have never heard of anyone else making a shopping center!!!!
    Synnøve :)

  2. Hallo Lucia,
    what a famous project ! I like it, it is great.
    And if you will see another shopping center in Germany, go to
    and than go to spezial
    and than go to Miniatur-Kaufhaus
    It is a great Victorian shopping center.


  3. Oh my goodness - I can't believe anyone would even contemplate such a project! How amazing! I think the idea of the perspex is perfect. It's going to be great to watch this progress.

  4. E' bellissimo e ENORME !!!! il corridoio è favoloso. Rosanna

  5. PS il pavimento della stanza vera è meraviglioso!

  6. un progetto grandioso!!!! mamma mia che bello! finalmente si vede nella sua complessità.. e naturalmente non vedo l'ora di vederlo completo di tetto!
    metterai un negozio diverso ad ogni angolo dell'edificio?? ingegnoso!
    per le piante: io ci vedo bene delle rampicanti sulla sommità delle colonne, con tralci che pendono...
    meraviglioso l'antico pavimento in scala reale!!!
    moltissimi complimenti!
    baci, Caterina

  7. It's such a great idea to make a shopping center, i will love following your blog, it's all beautiful!
