sabato 10 luglio 2010

A hat! Just one, but what a hat :)

Hello, hello!
It has been a very busy week for me, 7 exams done, hopefully went all I didn't have much time to dedicate to miniatures. Today has been my first day of freedom from my studies, and I've had to start packing all my belongings, since I'll move out on Wednesday. Anyways I've squeezed in some time and I made a few minis, which I'll show you another time, as I haven't taken pics yet. I thought though you might enjoy seeing what I made out of those cold porcelain roses I showed you a few posts ago :)
Now off to bed, tomorrow I'm leaving early to go and visit Bath! (YES, I should be focusing on packing the house, really....but I think it's worth it to visit England a bit, before I leave it....)!
Have a good night!

10 commenti:

  1. Beautiful! the gradation on the roses look wonderful!

  2. Divertiti a Bath, è una cittadina graziosa. Il tuo cappello sarebbe stato il centro dell'attenzione delle Signore eleganti che vi si recavano per le acque.Buona partenza, Rosanna

  3. It's beautiful, you've done great work with the roses :) And hope that you have a smooth move :)

  4. Beautiful hat! The roses look gorgeous!

  5. Yes your hat is gorgeous!
    Enjoy your visit to Bath! I don't envy you having to pack up a house. I wish you luck with your move.

  6. The hat is beautiful, the roses are gorgeous. Bath is a town I would like to see one day, I'm sure you'll enjoy Bath.

  7. Hola¡¡ mi nombre es Marisol.
    Hé estado mirando tu blog y me encantan tus cositas es precioso y tienes muy buen gusto.
    Yo tambien hago comidas y demás pero no me salen bien los sombreros.La verdad estan geniales¡¡¡.
    Te invito a visitar mi picasa y mi blog.
    Un fuerte abrazo y felicidades
