mercoledì 12 gennaio 2011

New Year, new bear

Happy new year everyone! I know I'm a bit late, but I had so many 1:1 scale problems to sort out! I just didn't have time to post anything on my blog, neither to read any of your blogs. (Flora please give me some time to get organized in the UK, and then I'll get back at you!). But I promise that I'll catch up with what you've been up too in a fairly short amount of time :)
Anyways this is the new bear that will join all the other toys in the toy-shop. I hope you like it!
More to come soon,

5 commenti:

  1. He is realy cute!!! Maybe one day you will write a tutorial on how to make them. I am sure there are lots of people that would love to make a bear.

  2. Happy New Year to you too.

    The new bear is wonderful, I love it.

  3. Lovely bear,I love your work! I invited you to participate in my giveaway,best miniwishes from Spain.

  4. Cara Lucia, come ti capisco!!! La vita vera è ben lontana dall'essere così idilliaca e immobile come quella nelle nostre casette...
    Ma non c'è niente di cui preoccuparsi: io, sono qui, oberata di cose da fare, ma felice di avere mini progetti in sospeso :-)
    Per quanto riguarda questo nuovo orso, che dire? è troppo bellino, come diciamo in Italia :-)
    Mi sembra la maniera perfetta per dare il benvenuto al nuovo anno, perciò ricambio gli auguri di cuore e... buone cose :-)
