lunedì 28 febbraio 2011

My first carpet

As promised, here's my first EVER carpet. As a matter of fact this is also the first time ever in my life that I'm making something with needlepoint. Ok, I know, it's a very easy stitch. Still, what you can see here is my first attempt ever! I wonder if I'll manage to complete the entire carpet. It seems an endless kit to finish. It's so big! And it takes forever to stitch all these stitches!
Hopefully I'll be able to post better pics in a few days time, as soon as I finish all the details and get a head start on the background color :)
To Margot,I haven't got any of my creations available for purchase at the moment, but I might try put a few bears on sale on my blog in a few weeks time, so stay tuned if you're interested!
Mini hugs,

mercoledì 23 febbraio 2011

A SHE bear

She's antique pink, she's soft, yet skinny, she's got this old look, as if she really came out of a box after having hidden for more than a century. She's my last work, and I absolutely adore her.
I also made her a fur jacket, just in case she feels cold. I'm sure that in a toy shop they would sell not only bears, but also clothes to fit them ;)
I hope you'll like her!
I'm very sad to say I had to miss Miniaturitalia yet again, eh, but hopefully next year I'll be in Italy when the fair is held. Anyways, my mum went there and bought me my next challenge (which yes, it has already crossed the Channel and is already here in the UK)....a miniature carpet kit! It's actually quite a big one, which should keep me busy for a while, especially since I've never done something like this before! Hopefully it'll turn out nicely....I'll take pics of the work done so far, so you can get an idea :)
Mini hugs, Lucia

lunedì 14 febbraio 2011

Another furry friend!

Didn't I say I was going to focus on the flower shop?! Of course I did say that! But you know, when you still have about four bits of fur fabric, you can't really ignored them and move onto a totally new field! I had to use that fabric and make some furry friends :)
So here it is, last week's creation. A tiny white bear that seems to be screaming 'hug me'! More bears to come soon; 3 bears if I want to be precise. Then I will have no more fabric and I will move onto brand new minis, I promise :)
Have a happy Valentine's day.

martedì 8 febbraio 2011

More shop pics

Yes, I know, I said that the millinery shop is almost finished....well, let's say that most of it's done...though I'm still missing a table with poufs in the middle, and a nice drapery to cover the door, and hat boxes, and hat pins, you know, all those trinkets!
And I said I was going to focus on the flower shop now...But...I wanted to share with you these couple pics I took (still in no good light) of the two counters in the millinery shop which simulate the front of the shop. You've got to use your imagination and pretend that there's some big windows in front of these two counters. After all, in real life there's a huge perspex panel in front of the shop, instead of the traditional wood panel (so that you can see the inside at all times).
Also, I wanted to welcome all the new followers, and thank you for all the kind comments you leave on my blog :) It's always nice, after a long day, to come home and read all these lovely messages!
Caterina, yes, I'm in the UK now ;) And I haven't forgot about your hat!
Mini hugs, Lucia

domenica 6 febbraio 2011

New shop!

Now that the millinery shop is coming to a nice conclusion (ceiling done, all hatstands painted gold, a couple front tables to simulate shop windows.....but pics of all this to come soon), it's time to move on a new shop. I've decided to focus on the flower shop, since I bought a few flower kits at Kensington last year! The shop will look like the inside of a greenhouse. There will be an ironwork-balcony, and you can see that the sky has already been painted, with Magritte-style clouds. I wish I could show you better pics, but lately the days have been quite dark, so this will have to do for the meantime. Hopefully I'll be able to post more about this shop.