sabato 20 dicembre 2014

A long silence

Yes, dear fellow readers, it's been over one and a half year since I've last blogged. Unfortunately right after my last post back in 2013 a lot of things happened in my life. I didn't have nor the time nor the willingness to share my passion on this blog.  It got to a point where I thought I had hit the bottom. And nope, I went further down. I suffered some irreplaceable losses. I then somehow found  some strength and got back on my feet, but it's been tough and long. Hence my silence on this blog.
I will dare say that life has finally taken a positive turn,  though many things still need shaping. If you get what I mean. After all 'homo faber fortunae suae ' .
I've resumed works on the big mall. And I'm planning to show you in my future posts all the  changes that have been going on.
You'll have to forgive me for the quality of the pics that I will post, but I'm down to my phone.
As a teaser, I'll post one picture right now. For you to enjoy!

4 commenti:

  1. Welcome back to blogland. It is so nice to see you.

    I am very glad to hear things are turning around and life may be easier going and happier. May it continue at greater speed in 2015!

  2. A warm hug for your losses, I hope you find peace and the joy of miniatures helps you heal.

  3. Ciao! Sono diventata tua seguace proprio nel tuo "periodo buio". Mi sono chiesta spesso perché un blog cosi interessante si era fermato. Mi spiace che hai passato un brutto momento. Io al contrario, ho messo su il mio blog in un momento complicato e mi ha aiutato molto, anche se non ho prodotto granche'. Sono curiosa del tuo ritorno, cioè delle novità che ci mostrerai. A presto, allora! Buone Feste, comunque saranno.

  4. Bentornata, è davvero un piacere ritrovarti e mi auguro che tutto si risolva nella tua vita
    Un abbraccio, Rosanna
